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HSE Snow Fest to Bring Together HSE’s Snowboarders and Skiers Again

HSE Snow Fest to Bring Together HSE’s Snowboarders and Skiers Again
Every winter, HSE students and staff occupy the slope at the KANT skiing complex to organize the HSE Snow Fest. On this day, HSE students, HSE Lyceum students, and HSE staff together can go snowboarding and alpine skiing for free. In 2019, HSE Snow Fest takes place on February 10.

What the World Cup Brings to Russia

Moscow has hosted the second International Conference on the Economics of Football, organized by HSE, the New Economic School, and the Centre for Strategic Development. One of the most topical discussions at the conference was the impact of the 2018 World Cup on the development of the Russian regions, the sporting industry, and the economy as a whole.

Not All Diversity Is Equally Beneficial

HSE experts have determined that cultural diversity is beneficial for team performance in eSports, while language and experience diversity negatively affect performance. These results might be of interest to companies of similar industries aiming to maximize profits. The study, entitled ‘Is Diversity Good or Bad? Evidence from eSports Teams Analysis,’ was published in the journal Applied Economics.

Gianni Infantino: ‘Sports Needs Knowledge and Professionals in Order to Move ahead’

What is required of modern sports managers and how do digital technologies influence its development? These issues were discussed by participants at the international conference ‘Sport and the Future’ organized by HSE, International Centre for Sports Studies (CIES), FIFA Master Alumni Association (FMA), and the Football Union of Russia (FUR).

HSE Gets Its Qwn Football Fanzone

HSE Gets Its Qwn Football Fanzone
The Russia-Uruguay match was shown on a big screen in the media courtyard, offering teachers, staff, and students at HSE the chance to cheer on their chosen side. Exchange students from other countries also joined in. Although the match was somewhat disappointing, the atmosphere in the media courtyard was celebratory and positive. Check out some highlights in the photo report from the event.

Representatives of the Global Sports Industry to Attend 'Sport and the Future' Conference

Representatives of the Global Sports Industry to Attend 'Sport and the Future' Conference
Less than two weeks remain until the start of the 2018 FIFA World Cup™, which is being held in Russia for the first time in history. During the tournament, the international conference 'Sport and the Future' will take place in Moscow, starting on June 29. The event will gather over 300 representatives from international sporting organisations, leading experts on worldwide sports and the heads of international and national football associations, leagues and clubs.

Come and Join 29th HSE Open Tourist Rally

Come and Join 29th HSE Open Tourist Rally
HSE Extreme Sports Club presents! Don’t miss the most important backpacking and camping event of this autumn! The 26th HSE Open Tourist Rally invites you and your friends!

This Is How We Will Win!

HSE experts have determined that the overconfidence of head football coaches is positively connected with the results of the team. Researchers analysed the behaviour of coaches in the Russian Football Premier League (RFPL). The results of the study have been published in the International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching.

Get Involved in Sports Journalism with HSE Extreme Sports Club

Get Involved in Sports Journalism with HSE Extreme Sports Club
Leading sports journalists, photographers and managers will take part in a series of workshops and master classes around sports journalism. The series, sponsored by the HSE Extreme Sports Club and starting in January 2018, will be open to the public.

ID FEST: The First Smart Ski Festival

Today it is not enough for us just to ski or to hang out, we are always looking for new impressions and knowledge. This festival will combine all that we have ever wished for: skiing, entertainment, and popular science events. Everyone is welcome to join us at Gorki Gorod in Krasnaya Polyana for the first smart ski festival ID FEST from January 28 to  February 4.